Results of BIT Siberia 2012
On March 31, BIT Siberia 2012 held its Final Competition in Tomsk, for the first time since 2009. 20 teams qualified to compete in the Final, representing Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Barnaul, Biysk, Kemerovo and Shadrinsk.
As part of the educational program of BIT Siberia, the finalists underwent training in the Innovator’s Lyceum, a 10-day training course aimed specifically at providing the best projects of this year’s competition with the skills and knowledge, necessary for successful development of their start-ups. Held in Barnaul under the auspices of the Government of Altai Krai, the Lyceum brought together over 80 participants and business trainers. With the help of the instruction in business planning and project presentation they received during these 10 days, all finalists presented their projects professionally and competitively.
For the first time in the history of BIT Siberia all prizes went to projects representing Krasnoyarsk. The winner is “Lang Prism”, a project offering an online interactive tool for translation of web content. Runners-up are “AI-based Executive Assistant” and “Manufacture and marketing of natural Jerusalem artichoke extract”. The winner was awarded 250 000 rubles, runners-up are entitled to a prize of 75 000 rubles each.
The BIT Siberia winner automatically qualifies for the semi-final of the national BIT competition and will compete for the right to present the project to experts of Russian and foreign venture funds and investment companies.
The jury of BIT Siberia 2012 included 25 representatives of its sponsors and partners, senior managers of innovation companies of Siberia, financial companies and funds. Among them were Roman Anufriev (Russian Venture Company), Olga Shadrina (Siberian Accord), Dmitri Kukelko (Business Angels of Siberia).
Print Version
Interview with Nikolay Badulin for Delovoy Kvartal, No. 18 (145), September 13, 2010
April 8 – The MICEX Finance Forum 2010 was held in Moscow with finalists of BIT Siberia 2010 presenting their project as part of the program.
January 15 – The coordination committee of BIT Siberia 2010 approves the list of the 17 projects which qualify for the final competition.
Friday, November 18 – OJSC IMC FiBr and MICEX Stock Exchange has signed the Sponsorship contract for the Business of Innovation and Technology in Siberia competition. The MICEX Stock Exchange will be supporting the competition as the Title Sponsor.
Four Tomsk companies have qualified to present during the Russian Tech Tour session in Tomsk on September 25.
“One cannot invest from afar without knowing the local culture” – this principle is fundamental for the European Tech Tour. This and many other issues were discussed today in the Government of Tomsk Region during the meeting with Sven Lingjaerde, the President of the European Tech Tour Association.
Today results of judiciary voting in the Russia-wide Business of Innovative Technologies competition were announced. Thus was determined the list of finalists.
The second part of the educational program of “Business of Innovative Technologies in Siberia 2009” is starting on April 11 in Tomsk.
The “Iron Entrepreneur” series of games has come to an end. The last of them was held in Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk.
The “Iron Entrepreneur” business game was held in the Center for Development of Innovation Competence in Novosibirsk last weekend. Next stop is Krasnoyarsk!
The list of finalist teams will be published on March 30.
Group of Companies “INTALEV” will be holding Management forum “The period of change: searching for new solutions” in Tomsk on April 2.
Judges start their work on March 18.
Two lectures in “Development of a marketing plan” will be held on March 10 and 13. The author is Felix Katzman.
The lecture on “Basics of financial decision-making” will be held on March 7 at 16.00. Its author is Mikhail Kaz. The lecture will be held within the framework of the “BIT Siberia 2009” educational program.
The management-and-action game “Effective entrepreneurship: resources and potential” was held within the framework of “BIT Siberia 2009”.
Is there a universal solution for any problem? In his lecture on system analysis, which was held in the TUSUR Student Business-Incubator “Druzhba” on February 25, Felix Tarasenko answered this question. The lecture has been held within the framework of the educational program of the “Business of Innovative Technologies in Siberia 2009” competition.
The management-and-action game “Effective entrepreneurship: resources and potential” will be held in the Student Business-Incubator “Druzhba” (147 Krasnoarmeiskaya st., room 106) on February, 28 at 10.30.
The lecture on “System analysis” will be held in the TUSUR Student Business-Incubator “Druzhba” (147 Krasnoarmeiskaya st., room 106) on February, 25 at 17.30. The lecture is a part of the open educational program of “BIT Siberia 2009”.
The “Your own startup” lecture by Tatiana Sokolnikova was held in the TUSUR Student Business-Incubator “Druzhba” on February, 21.
The “Your own startup” lecture will be held in the Business-Incubator “Druzhba” on February, 21 at 12.00.
The lecture on “Enhancing investment attractiveness of a project by means of intellectual property protection” will be held in Wednesday, February, 18.
How should a million rubles be spent? Last weekend participants of a seminar on “Strategies of decision-making and negotiating” tried to answer this question. The seminar was held within the framework of the educational program of “BIT Siberia 2009”.
On February, 26 the Business-Leaders Investment Forum will be held in business center “GRINVICH”, officially supported by the London Stock Exchange, Novosibirsk Region Administration and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
On-line conference with Nikolay Badulin, the General Director of OJSC IMC “FiBr”, on the NGS.ru site will be held on February, 12 at 12.00.
Nikolay Badulin, the General Director of OJSC IMC “FiBr”, has joined the Selecting Committee of the second Russian Tech Tour which is to be held in Russia in September-October 2009. Tomsk is a candidate city to be a ground for selection of the best projects for investments.
The seminar on “Strategies of decision-making and negotiating” will be held on February, 14 at 14.00. The venue is the Student Business Incubator “Druzhba”
“Innovation enterprise: attracting investment” was the theme of the first lecture within the framework of the educational program of the “Business of Innovative Technologies in Siberia 2009” competition. The lecture was held in the Student Business Incubator “Druzhba”.
“Innovation enterprise: attracting investment” will be the theme of the first lecture which will be delivered on February 7, 2009 in Tomsk. The lecture will open the first stage of the educational program of the “BIT Siberia 2009” competition.
President of the American “5iTech” company Leon Polott, who deals with the problem of commercialization of innovation technologies, will be working in Tomsk for a few days.
Regional fair “Business services for the entrepreneurs of Tomsk region” will take place on 27 November in Entertaining Center “Fackel”
Two our projects - OJS Research & Production Companies «FiBr-Med» and “FiBr-A” – were estimated at their true worth and included into the reference book of “II Moscow Open Competition of Social and Innovative Projects for the Moscow citizens’ health”.
The Competition’s committee meeting took place on the 5 of November. JSC “FiBr” was chosen as the winner of “Delivery and supply of licensed software product for business-planning and investment analysis - Project Expert 7 Professional or analogue” competititon.
Tomsk Politechnical University announced this competition in the framework of Innovative Educational Program 2007-2008.
Till the end of November JSC “FiBr” will deliver Net-versions of “Project Expert 7 Professional” and “Project Expert 7.21 Holding”, and, moreover, the educational version of “Project Expert” for 40 computers of Tomsk Politechnical University.
Chairman of the Board of directors of OJSC IMC “FiBr”, Nikolay A. Badulin, is taking part in the third annual technology investment conference Silicon Valley Open Doors (SVOD-2007) and the 1st US-Russian Business Angel Symposium – Boston Region Open Doors.
11 Centers of small-scale enterprises’ Support all around Tomsk region are buying a software product from JSC “FiBr”.
On October 31 the third MARCHMONT'S Investment Guide to Russia was presented in Novosibirsk-an important step on the way to present investing potential of Tomsk region to the world community.
Company "FiBrA" takes part in annual International specialized exhibition "FiltSep / Equipment and technologies for filtration and separation". Company's products for the water purification will be presented there. We welcome you to our stand C 1113, pavilion 11, Sokolniki Culture and Exhibition Center, Moscow.
JSC "FiBr" will choose the projects for investments of “Marchmont Capital Partners”, act for this fund and make bargain on the territory of Tomsk region.
The preparation of documents for patenting of a way of treatment with application of the preparations of medicinal and veterinary purpose developed in our company begun.
On July, 10-11th the Second District Venture Fair took place in Kazan in which the companies working in sphere of hi-tech business, representatives of the government and Venture investors have taken part.
Representatives of the regional Centers of support of business of Tomsk area have taken part in seminars.
The given tests spent in the Blohin Russian oncological science centre of Russian Academy of Medical Science and the Kovalenko Russian scientific research institute of experimental veterinary science, will allow to receive a number of the additional documents confirming antileukemic, antineoplastic and antibacterial activity of a preparation.
Production of company "FiBrA" has received a high estimation of participants and visitors of an exhibition. On results of work of an exhibition the directory in which the most interesting and perspective projects have been presented. Their number included also the project "FiBrA" which has presented a direction of a filtration of water.